BSc in Computer Science


Code Subject Compulsory/Elective Lecture Hours Practical Assignments GPA Credits MGPA Credits
CS 1013 Discreet Mathematics 1 C 30   45 3
CS 1023 Probability and Statistics c 30 45 3
CS 1033 Fundamentals of Programming c 30 30 45 3  
CS 1043 Foundation of Computer Science c 30 45 3  
CS 1055 Digital Electronics c 30 30 45 3  
CS 1062 English c 15   45 2
IT 1072 Leadership Training I c   30 45 2
DL 1182 Communication Skills (ICT) c 30 45   2
CS 2013 Computer Systems Architecture c 30   45 3  
CS 2023 Data Structures and Algorithms 1 c 30 30 45
CS 2033 Object Oriented Programming 1 c 30 30 45 3  
CS 2043 Fundamentals of Databases c 30 30 45 3  
CS 2053 Software Engineering 1 c 30 30 45 3  
CS 2063 Group Project in Hardware c 90 6  
DL 2193 Presentation Skills c 15 30 45   3
IT 1072 Leadership Training II c   60 45 3
CS 3013 Discreet Mathematics 2 c 30 45 3  
CS 3023 Data Structures and Algorithms 2 c 30  
CS 3033 Operating Systems c 30 30 45 3  
CS 3043 Computer Networks 1 c 30 30 45 3  
CS 3053 Internet and Web Technologies c 30 30 45 3  
CS 3063 Team work and negotiation skills c 3
CS 4013 Statistical Distributions and Inference c 30 30 45
CS 4023 Object Oriented Programming 2 c 30 30 45
CS 4033 Software Engineering II c 30 30 45
CS 4043 Database Management Systems c 30 30 45
CS 4053 Research Methodologies c 30 45 3
CS 4062 Principles of Management c 15 2
CS 4076 Group project in Software Engineering c 90 6
CS 55013 Differential equations & integral transforms c 30 45
CS 5023 Logic Programming c 30 30 45
CS 5033 Intelligent Systems c 30 30 45
CS 5043 Concurrent Programming c 30 45
CS 5053 Computer Networks 2 c 30 30 45
CS 5063 Human Computer Interactions E 30 30 45
CS 5073 Linear Algebra E 30 45 3
CS 5083 Image processing computer vision E 30 30 45
CS 6013 Computer Architecture and Organization c 30   45 3  
CS 6023 Software Architecture and Design c 30 45
CS 6033 Computer Security c 30 45
CS 6043 Automata Theory c 30 45
CS 6053 Network Security c 30 45
CS 6063 Mobile Computing E 30 45
CS 6073 Computer Graphics and Visualization E 30 45
CS 6083 Operational Research E 30 45
CS 6093 Essentials of IT Law c 15 30 3
CS 6106 Independent Study c 90 6
CS 7016 Industrial Training c 270 6